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A Step-By-Step Guide To


Small Steps Make A Big Difference

Intro to GuideSteps

Introducing GuideSteps

GuideSteps is an exclusive financial wellness program developed by Spectrum Investment Advisors. It provides employees with a guided approach to help identify, prioritize and take steps to improve their financial picture.​


The Experts Behind GuideSteps 

At Spectrum Investment Advisors, we understand that while employer and employee needs are unique, they are deeply entwined. That is why we developed GuideSteps to empower a company’s most valuable resource: its employees.

Financial stress takes a toll on employees.

Employees who are stressed about finances often bring their worries to work, which can impact company culture, interfere with focus and productivity and negatively affect employee health.



admit that finances have
been a distraction at work.*



prefer to work for a company that cares about their financial well-being.*

Greater Insurance Premiums


have avoided addressing
a medical issue

due to cost.*

Employees want help with personal finances.

When it comes to personal finances, nearly 9 out of 10 employees want help.*


Help them take control of their financial future with a financial wellness program designed to help them manage every step of the journey, including a custom wellness report, actionable steps and a professional financial advisor.

*PricewaterhouseCoopers. “PwC’s 10th Annual Employee Financial Wellness Survey.” 2021.

The Case for Financial Wellness at Work

Working towards a solid financial plan takes time and commitment. But that doesn't mean it has to be complex.

GuideSteps takes the guesswork out of financial planning by simplifying the process. Whether employees need to establish an emergency fund, want to maximize retirement savings or are looking for guidance about Social Security, we are here to help them manage every step of the journey.

How GuideSteps Works

No matter where you are on the journey, GuideSteps provides education and guidance.  

Click a button below to learn how it works for: 


How GuideSteps Works:

  1. Company chooses to adopt the GuideSteps program.
  2. Spectrum communicates with employees to schedule one-on-one consultations.
  3. Each employee who engages with a Spectrum Advisor will receive a Financial Wellness Report and ongoing reviews.
  4. Program updates and engagement reports will be provided to help track success.
GuideSteps_Financial-Wellness Laptop Mockup
Meet the Team


From new hire to near retiree, we are here to guide you through each step along the way.

GuideSteps Financial Wellness powered by Spectrum Investment Advisors





6329 West Mequon Road

Mequon, Wisconsin 53092

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Spectrum Investment Advisors, Inc. is an SEC registered investment adviser located in Mequon, WI.  Registration with the SEC does not imply a certain level of skill or training.  Our Privacy Notice, as well as our Form ADV Parts 2A and 2B and our Form CRS are available at

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